This week was just SO HAPPY!! I took a lot of pictures too! I might need 2 emails just to get them all to you!
...and of course the computer is being really really silly and it won't let me just insert the pictures so I'll have to attach them.
So we had a really great zone meeting this week that was all about finding through the Atonement and really becoming fishers of men. Our zone leaders are INCREDIBLE (I just can't say that enough) and after the meeting I really want to work hard at overcoming my shyness and dislike of talking to people and just talk to EVERYONE. So far it's been going well :). Hna. Crockett is in the zone too, so we took a 3 generation picture. Aren't weadorable??
I also wanna send a shout out to everyone who sent me birthday wishes through mail or email! It was great to feel the love and know that I'm not forgotten! (special shout out to those of you who posted on my Facebook wall... I'm sure I'll love them when I see them next April ;) ) It was super fun to spend my birthday on the mission. Even though we didn't have a big party, I still got to spend it doing what I love (missionary work) with the people I love. One of our members made me BBQ chicken and cupcakes for dinner and even cooked some rice because she knows it's my favorite. Even the elders gave me a gift:
Yes, they did actually give me a bag of rice and a Book of Mormon. They know me so well!
And then there was a really awesome full moon on my birthday but I couldn't really take any pictures that would do it justice, so sorry. You had to be there.
Anyways this week we've really been gearing up for Odessa and Tana's baptism which is this Saturday! We're so stoked!! The girls are getting really excited as well and it's amazing how much more sensitive they are to the Spirit now. The just want to live all the commandments and do what Heavenly Father wants them to do. It's going to be an amazing day for sure.
James also came to church this week! And he stayed for all three hours, which is totally unheard of for investigators! He really liked it and said that it brought up a lot of questions, which we LOVE because questions are the gateway to revelation (I just made that up, but it sounds good). He also got some really good fellowship from the members, probably because he was easily identifiable as a visitor (he was the only non-white person in the building, was sitting with the missionaries and was wearing overalls and an aloha shirt). But I think there's a good chance of him coming back!
We also had a really good lesson last night with Sis. Collett and her granddaughter. Her granddaughter has been struggling with her testimony quite a bit and doesn't really want to be a part of the church right now. We watched this video with her, which brought the Spirit really strongly, readMatthew 11:28-30, and bore testimony about how coming unto Jesus Christ can make our burdens light. We talked about how we come unto Christ by reading about Him (scriptures), talking to Him (prayer), and visiting His house (going to church) and that by doing those 3 simple things we can build our lives on His firm foundation. The Spirit was so strong and she committed to read and pray every night if we sent a scripture to read everyday.
It's just amazing to me how much Jesus Christ has changed my life and continues to change it everyday. I've gotten so close to Him during these past 9 months and I have a constant desire to get to know Him better. He is my Savior and Redeemer, and it is through Him that I receive my joy and peace.
I love you all and I hope your week is as amazing as mine has been. I'mSO SO SO grateful for this opportunity to serve.
I love you all!
Hermana Holloway
PS: here's a bonus picture. Sometimes Heavenly Father blesses me with beautiful moments that can be captured forever.
Here are a few additional birthday pictures that she put in her letter to me. Thank you to all who remembered her on her birthday...I am so thankful for the sweet Bigham family in Oklahoma who took her in for her birthday and made it special!
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