But seriously. I'm not sure. I can't believe that SO MUCH STUFF happened in just 7 days and that it went by SO QUICKLY.
So here's a run-down of my week:
MONDAY: We went to Clinton and played sports with the elders for p-day. Came back to Weatherford, ate dinner with some of my favorite members, taught Cody a lesson, then wandered around with another member for the last hour because our appointment fell through.
TUESDAY: We had exchanges! So our Sister Training Leaders (STLs) came up to the city at 9am, then Hna. Loveland left with one sister and I stayed in Weatherford with another. We biked, met with one of our investigators, started teaching her niece that just moved in with her, knocked some doors, took some of our investigators to a Relief Society activity, then slept forever because we were so tired.
WEDNESDAY: We went to the city to exchange back, then Hna. Lemke came back so she could go to Hugh's funeral, we went to lunch with a member (I love it when they pay for us :)) then went to the funeral where we got a bunch of weird looks because what are a bunch of Mormon missionaries doing at a perfectly Baptist funeral? I was glad that we got to go though and meet his family and it was really great to see Hna. Lemke. But the day was still not over! After that we went to Clinton because we were in charge of the mutual activity. We challenged the youth to see who could pass our more copies of the Book of Mormon, us or them. We had a super good turn out and the response from the youth was super positive, so I know that miracles are gonna happen! BUT IT STILL WASN'T OVER. Then we taught English class. And then my brain died and I slept.
THURSDAY: Weekly planning.................... that is all I have to say. Then we drove forever far away to Thomas to visit our new investigator that we helped move in on Sunday then we had Bible Study!
FRIDAY: We had district meeting! Then we went to see some Spanish folk! Then we ate dinner with a member at a Chinese Buffet! Then we saw another investigator! This day was actually pretty normal!
SATURDAY: We met with a family to help prepare their 8-year-old son for baptism. Because they're Spanish the bishop is having us plan their baptism so that's been super fun. But we talked about baptism and the Holy Ghost and he seemed so excited! Then we taught our investigator and her niece and Renee (the niece) really likes the Restoration and she wants to get baptized! We almost set a date with her! Hopefully we'll have one next time. And then we said good-bye to another investigator who's moving to Montana and it turns out that HE'S ACTUALLY A BUFFALO HUNTER WHICH IS PRETTY MUCH THE COOLEST THING EVER. After my mission I'm going buffalo hunting with Hermana Loveland and him. It's a done deal. I wish we could still teach him because he's awesome!
SUNDAY: THIS WAS THE CRAZIEST DAY EVER but I'm getting tired of typing and I'm sure you're tired of reading this so I'll make it quick. Ready? Translating Sacrament meeting, Spanish Sunday School, 8 year old Spanish kids get baptized, delicious Mexican treats, usual lunch with awesome members and elders, Spanish lessons x2, brain dies, collapse on bed, sleep.....
So yeah it's been an awesome week! We've seen a lot of miracles and I absolutely LOVE these people and this area! The church is true and life is good!
~Hermana Holloway
Hermana Loveland and I when our former compas came to see us :)
Hugh Taylor with his cat Felix. (and Hermana Lemke) I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out that I FIGURED OUT HOW TO UNSIDEWAYS THE PICTURES!! TAKE THAT COMPUTER!!
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